Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let Freedom Ring

Today marks the 7th anniversary of what has become known around the globe as simply 9.11.

Thinking of that unforgettable, inconceivably terrifying day happens often, not just on its anniversary, not just when a self-serving politician makes a hard-to-believe claim of policy progress since 2001, and not just when the evening news announces the loss of innocent life in the name of law & order, but always when I see our glorious flag swaying in Mother Nature's breezes on the porches and poles of homes and businesses across this country. It is always then that I am reminded of a nation of heartbroken people joining together to right themselves after receiving that fatal blow to our beloved and accustomed sense of security.

I have always adored our flag and respected its meaning and history, but after the worst of the shock from the early morning hours of Tuesday, September 11, 2001 had dissipated, my appreciation grew exponentially - for the victims, for the families, for the volunteers, for the leaders, for the brave, for the heroic, for my country...let freedom ring.

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