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Roger is always on the hunt, usually for wild game, but for some time it's been a hunt for a Harley upgrade. He recently encountered a dark gray 2009 that suited him, took a shot, and drove home a bargain...with snow on the ground and 34F degrees in the wind!! Out with the old, in with the new...and except for the 'new' smell & shininess, you would hardly notice the difference...but they're there, all four hundred or so of them!
Happy riding, honey, she's a beauty!! Maybe you can keep up with me now *-*
Be careful of what you say, say what you mean, don't cut yourself short, embrace the unknown, believe that anything is possible, consider the consequences of your wishes, and encourage others to do the same...because pigs really can fly...and now you have seen it with my own eyes!!
...but, oh, how I wish it was the last!! This dusting of Mother Nature's frozen dandruff existed less than an hour and let's just was 59 minutes longer than necessary, for I get the aimless motorcycling in the forecast :-((
How I ended up in the frozen tundra, especially since my little birds all flew the coop, for the most part, to warmer climates, is beyond my comprehension. I spent sporadic years attempting to root myself in various other parts of the country, but for time worn reasons & fairy tale rhymes, I would migrate back "home" to Wisconsin.
One day, the sooner the better, I will grab the bull by the horns and steer myself towards a place where the weather alone won't institutionalize me. In the mean time, I'll rub my hands together, don my feet with extra fleece and wear hats indoors while I conjure up my ideal destination. ~
I woke up in St. Louis this morning. I live north of Milwaukee. That's 440 miles in between. A 6-1/2 - 7 hour piece of cake ride, well, technically a drive, because I had the 4-wheeled vehicle. (Hey, it was only 45 degrees last Thursday when I left home.) Of course it was in the upper 70's all week in SL, but I gave up predicting weather when I descended earth, and besides, I've done my time as a frozen Popsicle, and quite's not that freakin' cool.

Anyway, the mission was to get back home before the polls closed at 8pm. No problem, except that I
was hangin' with my FRP and it is sooooooo hard to say goodbye. I pulled it off in as many smooches as baby would allow and hit the road, only stopping once for gas and once for a photo-op. Arrived at 7 on the dot, filled out my ballot, snapped a photo and finished the journey home to watch the night's events unfold. And glory hallelujah, unfold it did!!

When I heard that my FRP was going to go out after dark, dressed up in a costume to bang on stranger's doors and beg for candy, I was like...I'll be right there, cuz this I have to see for myself!!
Unfortunately for her, she was only allowed to suck on wrappers, mainly because she has no teeth, but also because she has one of those Dads who will sell her out for a big Snickers bar and a Mom who refuses to let her try anything 'bad' until she falls in love with all vegetables first (good luck with that BTW!!)
We carved pupmkins (notice no braggin' photo of that!), baked pumpkin seeds, tricked & treated way past dark (the folks of St. Louis demand that trick 'r treaters tell a joke before receiving their treat - I had never heard of such a ritual, but think it's a fun one - they also offer adult beverages to adults which I declined, but also think is a fun ritual!) and in general had a very Happy Halloween...something I have purposely avoided for years. Funny what those little devils do to you ~