Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hope Won!!

I woke up in St. Louis this morning. I live north of Milwaukee. That's 440 miles in between. A 6-1/2 - 7 hour piece of cake ride, well, technically a drive, because I had the 4-wheeled vehicle. (Hey, it was only 45 degrees last Thursday when I left home.) Of course it was in the upper 70's all week in SL, but I gave up predicting weather when I descended earth, and besides, I've done my time as a frozen Popsicle, and quite frankly...it's not that freakin' cool.

Anyway, the mission was to get back home before the polls closed at 8pm. No problem, except that I
was hangin'
with my FRP and it is sooooooo hard to say goodbye. I pulled it off though...got in as many smooches as baby would allow and hit the road, only stopping once for gas and once for a photo-op. Arrived at 7 on the dot, filled out my ballot, snapped a photo and finished the journey home to watch the night's events unfold. And glory hallelujah, unfold it did!!

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