After stomping around San Francisco without a jacket in February, returning to the Midwest's dastardly temperatures forced me back indoors for several more weeks - minus March 15th when it was dry and warm enough (52 degrees) to venture out on the bikes for several hours, snow and all.
April passed by busily, still actively seeking permanent employment, which had become both promising & more bleak than ever, depending on the day. Finally in May, the paycheck Gods smiled down upon me in a very generous way. Not only did I hook up with a job I love & which pays well, but it is mere steps from my front door AND I was able to sneak in a visit with FRP in St. Louis (where the weather allowed for motorcycling only mine was in Wisconsin where temps hadn't caught up quite yet) cool is that?!?!
Days off I'm up at the crack of dawn, licking a finger, deciding which way the wind, and therefore my hair, shall blow. I've had to adjust to once again being a weekend only warrior, but relieved to have plenty of time, $$ and destinations to keep my wheels spinning, even if it is just around the state for now. Managed to log over 2,000 miles since the beginning of June and haven't complained once about the weather in weeks ~
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