Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Birth of the Salsa Ingredients

It's happening...the vegetables are becoming ripe for the picking - I'm so excited!! So far the peppers and onions are slightly ahead of the tomatoes, so the peppers will wait in the freezer for a week or so. Too bad too, because the days have been cooler than usual for this time of year and I would have done some canning this week, but oh well.

Got the bike all scrubbed up and shiny for the much anticipated Harley-Davidson 105th anniversary festivities, which begin tomorrow evening, so you know where I'll be and what I'll be doing until late Saturday night - bikes, camera, music... woo-hoo!!

My future riding partner is now crawling in a forward motion and according to her Mom, she's fast as lightening & full speed ahead - be no time at all before she's ready to ride - I'm most excited about that eventual event!!

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