Saturday, September 6, 2008


...the arrival of my future riding partner and I feel slightly manic, so I'm taking a brief pause.

It isn't like there was a ton to do - the house, for the most part, is always clean, at least odor & lump free and presentable. Suddenly, late this morning, I decided major appliances needed to be dusted under and furniture orifices required vacuuming - this development was so unnecessary, not because the appliances and furniture couldn't have used a bit of attention, but next week, or next month would have been soon enough; why today? Roger joked about rigging F.R.P.'s 7-1/2 month old hands and knees for dusting the hardwood floors - I was all for it, so why did I spend 2 hours on mine??

Then there's the food thing...always more than enough of it in and around our house, but I planned to pick up Thai food for tonight any way - my daughter (F.R.P.'s brave & daring, long distance chauffeur) has been craving Burmese food since her last visit to San Francisco and Thai is as close to it as it gets in this neck of the woods. So why in the hell did I chop, slice, dice, brown, marinate and create an entire menu for 20 while making up things to clean???

Am I worried that my 7-1/2 month old Granddaughter will leave here with a bad impression? She's visited before and didn't complain. Or am I concerned that my daughter would freak out to see her baby's obvious knee prints in hardwood or worse yet, permanent stains on her knees? For a true "clean" test, we could confine her to the white carpeted areas of the house, but confinement is no fun.

Funny thing is that nobody is even going to know that I spent half of a perfectly good, end of the summer season riding day doing chores I didn't have to do, because in the end, the house looks exactly like it did when I woke up this morning with a few more things to eat in the fridge!!! ~

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