Me, I spent most of the day riding and photographing anything in my path. And yes, it was another brilliant, warm sun, puffy cloud, ride your socks off Wisconsin summer day!
8.8.08 was brought to my attention earlier in the week by a post via my most recent addiction, Flickr, so I had to go out and do my part - take pictures of stuff related to 8, at least I think that was the challenge. No matter, it gave me license to enjoy my favorite colors, blue sky, green fields, red barns and blacktop, plus I found a couple of new roads; very little traveled ones and one very untraveled road which I was freakishly compelled to explore, even ignoring a Road Closed sign, two barricades, four cones and caution tape (secret stuff down that one!).

Spent the evening uploading to Flickr and researching 8.8.08 - I had to know if I was missing "the point". Turns out I wasn't, but did gain a brief history lesson. Here are some of the significant past events that also occurred on an August 8th. (2 x 8 = more than enough information, but...)
- A tornado touched down in Kings County, New York, August 8, 2007, the most powerful tornado in New York to date.
- On August 8, 2000 a Confederate submarine was raised to the surface after 136 years on the ocean floor.
- Iraq President Saddam Hussein announced that Iraq annexed Kuwait and U.S. President Bush (H.W.) sent American troops to Saudi Arabia to force Iraqi troops out of Kuwait August 8, 1990.
- The lights were turned on at Wrigley Field for the first time, making it the last major league stadium to host night games August 8, 1988.
- President Nixon made his resignation speech August 8, 1974.
- A gang of 15 men stole more than £2.6 million in the Great Train Robbery of England August 8, 1963.
- August 8, 1962 Elizabeth Ann Duncan becomes the last woman to be executed in the United States prior to the reintroduction of capital punishment in 1977.
- World War II and Russia declared war on Japan August 8, 1945.
- Workers went on strike at the Hoover Dam August 8, 1931 .
- The Battle of Amiens during World War I began August 8, 1918.
- On August 8, 1911 the millionth patent was filed in the United States Patent Office by Francis Holton for a tubeless vehicle tire.
- Wilbur Wright made his first flight at a Le Mans, France race course on August 8, 1908. It's was the Wright Brothers' first public flight.
- Thomas Edison received a patent for his mimeograph on August 8, 1876.
- Joseph Whidbey and George Vancouver lead an expedition to search for the Northwest Passage near Juneau, Alaska on August 8, 1794.
- The city of Oulu, Finland was founded by Charles IX of Sweden on August 8, 1605.
- Sweden was defeated by Estonian tribes in the Battle of Lihula August 8, 1220.
I've read that a record number of Asian marriages will take place on 8.8.08 because the number 8 is considered to be lucky and a sign of prosperity. 8's on their sides look like the infinity symbol.
12.12.12 will be the last repeating digit date until the year 3001 - I'm pretty sure I'll be riding that day!
12.12.12 will be the last repeating digit date until the year 3001 - I'm pretty sure I'll be riding that day!
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