Roger had errands to run, he wasn't joining me for the rest of the weekend, he had his fill of crowds for the season at Miller Park Thursday and he returns to work Saturday bright & early. So off he goes, leaving me to finish getting ready and wishing me a great & safe time.
Near departure time - I'm dressed and have completed a sufficient amount of chores to ward off any "party" guilt. All that's left to do is shove the necessary essentials - tickets, camera, cash, walking shoes, sunscreen, jacket - in the saddlebags and I'm ready to roll...but wait. After all the planning, prepping and butterflies I decide that I need a shoulder bag, much handier than my usual fanny pack. I dash to the spare room closet, keeper of nostalgic apparel, where I should find what I'm looking for, but NO. Disappointed, I turn to leave the room and the house with my good enough fanny pack when I spot two yards of biker-motif material. Ah ha, I can make what I want with a couple of snips and some straight stitching - and so I did! In less than an hour (more time than I cared to give up, especially since it was cutting into my departure time) I had a one-of-a-kind, hands-free bag to hold my stuff.
Needless to say, Roger returned home, surprised to find me still there and helped to put the finishing touches on my newly created bag! I also learned, upon loading my bike, that he had taken the liberty of packing my jacket, chaps and boots in my too tiny saddlebags - he is "THE BEST"!
I arrived in time to find a free, primo spot at the south end of the Summerfest grounds and the rest of the day/night went off without a stitch hitch! I met so many awesome, kind people from around the country, sadly, not many from other lands as in years past, sampled delicious foods, and of course, jammed to great music - Black Crowes, Los Lonely Boys, War, Big Head Todd and even caught the tail end of Foghat. I took my time leaving the park, making sure to chat with as many folks as I could and returned to my bike a bit after midnight.
The ride home was so cool, partly because I was too lazy to suit up and rode home in shorts and partly because after 25 miles or so, I was the only northbound vehicle on the Interstate!
I'll wear convertible pants Saturday and rig up a canteen of sorts - they're getting $17.32 a gallon for bottled - I don't think so. ~
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