For me the trip "home" for the 105th anniversary celebration of Harley-Davidson in Milwaukee, the city of my birth, was breeze - literally and figuratively, but regardless of the short distance I traveled to be there every day, I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world!!
Roger & I started the weekend last Wednesday with a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert at Washington County Fairgrounds in West Bend, WI, another short 45 mile ride for us. We arrived about 30 minutes before the show to the staggering sight of what looked like 100,000 motorcycles, and I know what 100,000 bikes looks like from Sturgis and Daytona. All of those motorcycles in one spot was nothing short of utter awesomeness!! Such a sight also convinced us that it would be near impossible to find the group of friends we had planned to meet.

The concert was great, even though I only caught occasional glimpses of the stage & band, they sounded fantastic - and yeah, I know, some folks take issue with the fact that they aren't the original group, but it's hard to tell by listening to them. That massive crowd was excited, entertained & pleased and there was no problem getting a cold beer - unlike the problem of not finding our friends, despite cell phone contact attempts - but we did run into a cousin and his family, whom I haven't seen in a couple of years!!Roger & I started the weekend last Wednesday with a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert at Washington County Fairgrounds in West Bend, WI, another short 45 mile ride for us. We arrived about 30 minutes before the show to the staggering sight of what looked like 100,000 motorcycles, and I know what 100,000 bikes looks like from Sturgis and Daytona. All of those motorcycles in one spot was nothing short of utter awesomeness!! Such a sight also convinced us that it would be near impossible to find the group of friends we had planned to meet.

We made it home well before midnight, which was a good thing - my youngest was returning from a San Francisco trip and I agreed to be at the airport by 4:30AM - ugh!
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