Friday, December 12, 2008
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Friday, November 28, 2008
Early Christmas Present

Out with the old, in with the new...and except for the 'new' smell & shininess, you would hardly notice the difference...but they're there, all four hundred or so of them!
Happy riding, honey, she's a beauty!! Maybe you can keep up with me now *-*
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
1st Snow...

How I ended up in the frozen tundra, especially since my little birds all flew the coop, for the most part, to warmer climates, is beyond my comprehension. I spent sporadic years attempting to root myself in various other parts of the country, but for time worn reasons & fairy tale rhymes, I would migrate back "home" to Wisconsin.
One day, the sooner the better, I will grab the bull by the horns and steer myself towards a place where the weather alone won't institutionalize me. In the mean time, I'll rub my hands together, don my feet with extra fleece and wear hats indoors while I conjure up my ideal destination. ~
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hope Won!!

was hangin' with my FRP and it is sooooooo hard to say goodbye. I pulled it off though...got in as many smooches as baby would allow and hit the road, only stopping once for gas and once for a photo-op. Arrived at 7 on the dot, filled out my ballot, snapped a photo and finished the journey home to watch the night's events unfold. And glory hallelujah, unfold it did!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My Spooky Family

Unfortunately for her, she was only allowed to suck on wrappers, mainly because she has no teeth, but also because she has one of those Dads who will sell her out for a big Snickers bar and a Mom who refuses to let her try anything 'bad' until she falls in love with all vegetables first (good luck with that BTW!!)
We carved pupmkins (notice no braggin' photo of that!), baked pumpkin seeds, tricked & treated way past dark (the folks of St. Louis demand that trick 'r treaters tell a joke before receiving their treat - I had never heard of such a ritual, but think it's a fun one - they also offer adult beverages to adults which I declined, but also think is a fun ritual!) and in general had a very Happy Halloween...something I have purposely avoided for years. Funny what those little devils do to you ~
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Bloody Sunday Birthdays!!!
It was quite daring to sign-up for a bike ride this time of year...it was 47 degrees outside when I woke up and only 52 degrees when we started off with the sun up..., but everyone showed; their chaps & gloves in tow and off we went.
Our first leg was a mere 35 miles - beautifully colored autumn scenery - nobody seriously bitched, no limbs froze and the company & the Bloodys' were worth the trip.
By the time we set off for our next stop it had warmed up to a comfortable 65 degrees, and I for one could have kept right on riding. Instead we cozily settled in to watch a Green Bay Packer game, sampled mystery shots each time the Packers scored and laughed out loud A LOT (BTW...the Packers kicked butt!!)
Unfortunately someone noticed that it had become dark outside...our cue to head out..., so the remaining four bikes headed down the highway and one-by-one broke off for home. I could be mistaken, but I believe it was warmer than it had been all day ~
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
If Columbus discovered America, then I have discovered many places & things too.

I sat in the middle of a forest today and I could swear that not another soul has ever sat there before me. I cruised down a back road so remote that the leaves hadn't bothered to change color until they heard me comin' round the bend. I watched as the gas station's sign flashed it's price per gallon...4 cents less that the moments before. According to some dictionary definitions, Columbus and I have discovered places. According to other definitions, neither of us discovered anything, because we weren't FIRST... time, place or thing seen or realized.
It always pissed me off that I was taught Columbus "discovered" America. For some reason though I never bought in to the whole story, at least not the way it was still being presented in the textbooks of the early 70s, but it took years for anyone to offer the truer, more accurate version, which once surfaced subsided my resentment somewhat.
I never doubted his importance or mission, or that he sailed the ocean blue in 1492 aboard the Santa Maria along with two other ships, Pinta and Nina, which were no doubt full of men, supplies and Spanish whatnot in order to "discover" a new passage to India. But no one could or would ever explain the hypocrisy of claiming discovery of an inhabited land or for an existing idea. The question I posed repeatedly to get someone to admit the truth to me was this - If I "discovered" a 5 dollar bill on the kitchen table would it be mine to claim without repercussion? The answer varied somewhat, depending on who was "schooling" me, but basically I was assured that my discovery and Columbus' were two completely different things. I begged to differ, but it got me nowhere closer to a new passage to India than Columbus!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Autumn Days
Fall clean up is well under way - so far I got all of the tomato cages down, the summer plants pulled and the spring bulbs planted in the garden; had the oil and fluids changed in the four-wheeled vehicle, even filled it up with gas...first time since the end of March!! Took all of the big quilts to the cleaners for freshening and laundered all the curtains and throw rugs. Still need to wash a few outside windows, which is an ultimate waste of time because our gravel driveway dust tends to end up blocking my view within days anyway...I'll do it just the same.
Looking forward to our family's "event of the season" this weekend, my sister's wedding!! Everyone will be home, so of course I'm cooking, cleaning and even doing some baking just in case a hunger pang should arise! I'll post some pix on Flickr as they come in.
Happy Autumn Days & Nights to All ~
Monday, September 22, 2008
2 Days at the Ranch

Everything was all SO delicious...cheese & sausage platters, custom smoked salmon, fresh garden veggie trays, dips, chips, crackers, candies, grilled sweet corn, and homemade sauerkraut, baked beans, stuffing, pasta salads, potato salads, fruit salads, baked goods, tortes, plus pie and cookies too - never mind the bar & beer truck!!
There was a magic trick that involved a pickup truck and a fire pit, which was our cue to head for home, but other than that a delightful time was had by all :D
For future reference, a near 200-lb pig and trimmings is enough food to feed a village of 200 and too much for a party of 75. No worries though, nothing went to waste and it has been duly noted going forward that A.) Cut back on portions, or B.) Invite more people, strangers if we have to, to the next bash. ~
Saturday, September 20, 2008
1 More Week Down...

...not good news, but fact.
Time is ticking - summertime is nearing its end...I know this for sure because we closed the pool yesterday - even though its clear, clean water was so pretty and soothing to look at, it became too cold over the past 2 weeks to enjoy actually diving into. And the garden, although not quite done producing, is looking slightly pitiful, with browning leaves and spindly tomato vines barley hanging on to their life source.
The days are still long and warm enough to hop on the bike and ride with abandon; the scenery as beautiful and vivid as ever - a tad less green though, a bit more yellow and golden. Because of my camera, I made new friends along the road this week - two of them are horses!
A pig roast today on the Martin ranch later today, which will be a good time; no matter what's going on at the Martin ranch, it turns into a story to share! I'm making a garden/pasta salad to take along, if I don't sample it to death before its time to leave!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Let Freedom Ring
Thinking of that unforgettable, inconceivably terrifying day happens often, not just on its anniversary, not just when a self-serving politician makes a hard-to-believe claim of policy progress since 2001, and not just when the evening news announces the loss of innocent life in the name of law & order, but always when I see our glorious flag swaying in Mother Nature's breezes on the porches and poles of homes and businesses across this country. It is always then that I am reminded of a nation of heartbroken people joining together to right themselves after receiving that fatal blow to our beloved and accustomed sense of security.
I have always adored our flag and respected its meaning and history, but after the worst of the shock from the early morning hours of Tuesday, September 11, 2001 had dissipated, my appreciation grew exponentially - for the victims, for the families, for the volunteers, for the leaders, for the brave, for the heroic, for my country...let freedom ring.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
F.R.P.'s Visit
She and her chauffeur, daughter B, arrived just in time for a family favorite, Southwest casserole - tortilla chip crust layered with beef, chilies, sour cream, enchilada sauce, onions and tons of cheese, along with garden fresh veggies marinated in my secret sauce - all so yummy! And, of course, a side of delectable baby food for our precious little toothless one.
It was a long 7 hour ride for the two of them, so we planned to just chill out, catch up and see first hand baby's latest achievements - crawling in a fast forward motion was the absolute highlight!
Daughter D and a friend traveled a bit to witness her relatively new niece's progress and we spent Sunday being totally entertained, awed and amazed! Baby is VERY alert, comical, strong, fast, neat (as in clean), curious and kissable (we smooched her for everyone we know at least 1,000 times!) and loves things that move, that shine, that make noise, that fit into her mouth, that involve water or anything with texture.
Her little peanut head practically spins off as she attempts to take in all around her - the slightest sound or movement and she's on it!! By the size of her thighs, cheeks and torso, it appears that she hasn't met anything she won't eat - from fuzzy baby biscuits and sauerkraut juice to flower tops for example! She talks and giggles often, sometimes when you least expect it, and growls like a bear on command (actually, I think it's a motorcycle thing)!! She is so fast on her knees that occasionally an elbow will give out, but she keeps going!! We're convinced that crawling could be the next new Olympic sport! She readies herself for sleep by pulling a blanket partially over her face or by clutching a soft toy under her chin, but forgoes the ritual when Grampa rocks her. She wakes up noiselessly, full of smiles & hugs and ready for anything all over again.
We wish she lived closer, at least next door!!! ~
Saturday, September 6, 2008
It isn't like there was a ton to do - the house, for the most part, is always clean, at least odor & lump free and presentable. Suddenly, late this morning, I decided major appliances needed to be dusted under and furniture orifices required vacuuming - this development was so unnecessary, not because the appliances and furniture couldn't have used a bit of attention, but next week, or next month would have been soon enough; why today? Roger joked about rigging F.R.P.'s 7-1/2 month old hands and knees for dusting the hardwood floors - I was all for it, so why did I spend 2 hours on mine??
Then there's the food thing...always more than enough of it in and around our house, but I planned to pick up Thai food for tonight any way - my daughter (F.R.P.'s brave & daring, long distance chauffeur) has been craving Burmese food since her last visit to San Francisco and Thai is as close to it as it gets in this neck of the woods. So why in the hell did I chop, slice, dice, brown, marinate and create an entire menu for 20 while making up things to clean???
Am I worried that my 7-1/2 month old Granddaughter will leave here with a bad impression? She's visited before and didn't complain. Or am I concerned that my daughter would freak out to see her baby's obvious knee prints in hardwood or worse yet, permanent stains on her knees? For a true "clean" test, we could confine her to the white carpeted areas of the house, but confinement is no fun.
Funny thing is that nobody is even going to know that I spent half of a perfectly good, end of the summer season riding day doing chores I didn't have to do, because in the end, the house looks exactly like it did when I woke up this morning with a few more things to eat in the fridge!!! ~
Sunday, August 31, 2008
What a Celebration...! - Part Four

Despite the inevitable, "consumer rape" that occurs at just about any big event and the notable process flaw at Miller Park Thursday, this was one hell of an unforgettable, tell the Grandchildren some day, Bruce Springsteen really does rock, kind of party!! So thank you to Harley-Davidson, the maker of the greatest motorcycle in the world, and to Milwaukee, the city of my birth, for hosting the biggest, most entertaining event of the 21st century to date, and thanks as well to everyone who traveled near & far to make what I'll forever describe as the Christmas I got everything I wished for and then some.
I can hardly wait to do it again in 2013! ~
Saturday, August 30, 2008
What a Celebration...! - Part Three

Roger had errands to run, he wasn't joining me for the rest of the weekend, he had his fill of crowds for the season at Miller Park Thursday and he returns to work Saturday bright & early. So off he goes, leaving me to finish getting ready and wishing me a great & safe time.
Near departure time - I'm dressed and have completed a sufficient amount of chores to ward off any "party" guilt. All that's left to do is shove the necessary essentials - tickets, camera, cash, walking shoes, sunscreen, jacket - in the saddlebags and I'm ready to roll...but wait. After all the planning, prepping and butterflies I decide that I need a shoulder bag, much handier than my usual fanny pack. I dash to the spare room closet, keeper of nostalgic apparel, where I should find what I'm looking for, but NO. Disappointed, I turn to leave the room and the house with my good enough fanny pack when I spot two yards of biker-motif material. Ah ha, I can make what I want with a couple of snips and some straight stitching - and so I did! In less than an hour (more time than I cared to give up, especially since it was cutting into my departure time) I had a one-of-a-kind, hands-free bag to hold my stuff.
Needless to say, Roger returned home, surprised to find me still there and helped to put the finishing touches on my newly created bag! I also learned, upon loading my bike, that he had taken the liberty of packing my jacket, chaps and boots in my too tiny saddlebags - he is "THE BEST"!
I arrived in time to find a free, primo spot at the south end of the Summerfest grounds and the rest of the day/night went off without a stitch hitch! I met so many awesome, kind people from around the country, sadly, not many from other lands as in years past, sampled delicious foods, and of course, jammed to great music - Black Crowes, Los Lonely Boys, War, Big Head Todd and even caught the tail end of Foghat. I took my time leaving the park, making sure to chat with as many folks as I could and returned to my bike a bit after midnight.
The ride home was so cool, partly because I was too lazy to suit up and rode home in shorts and partly because after 25 miles or so, I was the only northbound vehicle on the Interstate!
I'll wear convertible pants Saturday and rig up a canteen of sorts - they're getting $17.32 a gallon for bottled - I don't think so. ~
Friday, August 29, 2008
What a Celebration...! - Part Two

...so, the alarm is set for 3:30AM - double and triple checked - and for once I have no problem falling asleep without reading. What felt like several minutes later, I dreamily open my eyes, so proud of myself that I beat the alarm, but when the old eyes focus on the clock I scream &%@#?*, jump into a pair of sweats, grab my cell phone, flip-flops and keys and fly out the door.
I waited until I was out of the driveway before placing the apology call to my waiting daughter - I had to let the panic subside, remind myself that she's over 21 and for the love of Pete and she'll manage. Her phone went right to voice mail - a good sign for me - so I left my "Mommy's on her way" message and got down to the business of driving the four-wheeled vehicle, which I have only driven one other time since May.
The condensed version is that her plane was briefly delayed, her luggage took forever and I ended up waiting for her - go figure! So we return home, where I plan to finish my nap before Thursday's all day/night H.O.G. festivities at Miller Park (back in Milwaukee where the airport is!) But the next thing I know, I'm cooking a royal breakfast, the phone is going bonkers, Roger ran to do an errand, my daughter is on the couch and I just want to sleep!
A 3 hour nap did occur and we were well on our way to Milwaukee by 1:30. Again, we made plans to meet up with two other couples and again, after 2 false alarms, over 30 minutes in line for beverages, and 4 cell phone calls between us, we gave up looking for them in the estimated crowd of 80,000 and just started enjoying the day.
We took in a bit of Billy Bob Thornton's Band, some Joan Jett, a couple of national motorcycle stunt teams, comedian Lewis Black, as well as the entire performances of Sugarland and Kid Rock. And...we ran into one of the guys we tried finding the night before in West Bend!!
Another honest to God, you had to see it to believe it event, and other than not meeting up with our friends, which bummed me out, it was another memorably fun, perfect Wisconsin summer day. ~
Thursday, August 28, 2008
What a Celebration...! - Part One
Roger & I started the weekend last Wednesday with a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert at Washington County Fairgrounds in West Bend, WI, another short 45 mile ride for us. We arrived about 30 minutes before the show to the staggering sight of what looked like 100,000 motorcycles, and I know what 100,000 bikes looks like from Sturgis and Daytona. All of those motorcycles in one spot was nothing short of utter awesomeness!! Such a sight also convinced us that it would be near impossible to find the group of friends we had planned to meet.

We made it home well before midnight, which was a good thing - my youngest was returning from a San Francisco trip and I agreed to be at the airport by 4:30AM - ugh!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Birth of the Salsa Ingredients
Got the bike all scrubbed up and shiny for the much anticipated Harley-Davidson 105th anniversary festivities, which begin tomorrow evening, so you know where I'll be and what I'll be doing until late Saturday night - bikes, camera, music... woo-hoo!!
My future riding partner is now crawling in a forward motion and according to her Mom, she's fast as lightening & full speed ahead - be no time at all before she's ready to ride - I'm most excited about that eventual event!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Me, I spent most of the day riding and photographing anything in my path. And yes, it was another brilliant, warm sun, puffy cloud, ride your socks off Wisconsin summer day!
8.8.08 was brought to my attention earlier in the week by a post via my most recent addiction, Flickr, so I had to go out and do my part - take pictures of stuff related to 8, at least I think that was the challenge. No matter, it gave me license to enjoy my favorite colors, blue sky, green fields, red barns and blacktop, plus I found a couple of new roads; very little traveled ones and one very untraveled road which I was freakishly compelled to explore, even ignoring a Road Closed sign, two barricades, four cones and caution tape (secret stuff down that one!).

Spent the evening uploading to Flickr and researching 8.8.08 - I had to know if I was missing "the point". Turns out I wasn't, but did gain a brief history lesson. Here are some of the significant past events that also occurred on an August 8th. (2 x 8 = more than enough information, but...)
- A tornado touched down in Kings County, New York, August 8, 2007, the most powerful tornado in New York to date.
- On August 8, 2000 a Confederate submarine was raised to the surface after 136 years on the ocean floor.
- Iraq President Saddam Hussein announced that Iraq annexed Kuwait and U.S. President Bush (H.W.) sent American troops to Saudi Arabia to force Iraqi troops out of Kuwait August 8, 1990.
- The lights were turned on at Wrigley Field for the first time, making it the last major league stadium to host night games August 8, 1988.
- President Nixon made his resignation speech August 8, 1974.
- A gang of 15 men stole more than £2.6 million in the Great Train Robbery of England August 8, 1963.
- August 8, 1962 Elizabeth Ann Duncan becomes the last woman to be executed in the United States prior to the reintroduction of capital punishment in 1977.
- World War II and Russia declared war on Japan August 8, 1945.
- Workers went on strike at the Hoover Dam August 8, 1931 .
- The Battle of Amiens during World War I began August 8, 1918.
- On August 8, 1911 the millionth patent was filed in the United States Patent Office by Francis Holton for a tubeless vehicle tire.
- Wilbur Wright made his first flight at a Le Mans, France race course on August 8, 1908. It's was the Wright Brothers' first public flight.
- Thomas Edison received a patent for his mimeograph on August 8, 1876.
- Joseph Whidbey and George Vancouver lead an expedition to search for the Northwest Passage near Juneau, Alaska on August 8, 1794.
- The city of Oulu, Finland was founded by Charles IX of Sweden on August 8, 1605.
- Sweden was defeated by Estonian tribes in the Battle of Lihula August 8, 1220.
12.12.12 will be the last repeating digit date until the year 3001 - I'm pretty sure I'll be riding that day!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Afternoon at the beach with family
I bungeed a homemade, hot out of the oven, Rhubarb/Blueberry/Black Raspberry torte to the back of the bike for the 6-mile ride to meet and delight said seniors - and delight them it did, minus one, whom I have known forever, but didn't know she despises blueberries (there should be a law) & rhubarb alike. Too bad for her, extra for the others! (I would recommend that she see a specialist about the blueberry thing though.)
Had the camera along, bungee not required, so a photo-op was inevitable and mandatory. Only problem was getting said seniors close enough to the water (the actual scene), focused (brain focus, not camera) and at the same time. It resembled a kindergarten assembly for the slow (no offense to anyone not related) and turned in to an eighth grade graduation party with booze (I'm just imagining here). Miraculously no one was drowned or arrested and digital memories were made to share with God only knows!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Midwest August
Rode my socks off this past week; literally over the weekend...too hot for proper biker attire, which I seldom subject myself to anyway; just right for swimsuit top, shorts & flip-flops. Found a mom & pop, five counties away, with tasty homemade ice cream and handmade cones; savored hot-off-the-press spring rolls at a nearby Farmer's Market; landed in a cemetery with tombstones over 150 years; spent the better part of a gorgeous afternoon in a pea field with 16 running combines; paused off numerous times to capture the beautiful landscape, as well as the mundane, never quite achieving the desired result, but close enough to relive summer's freedom once it's over.
Our garden of eatin' is ripening and producing delectable ingredients each evening and after yesterday's rain it will be bursting with goodies to share.
The almost daily communication with my future riding partner has surpassed the 30 day mark, which means we're due for a face-to-face - I'd like to see her swimming in the pool and napping on the front porch, but I also wouldn't mind the 900+ mile run to her neck of the woods. ~

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
How is your summer going??
Some riding is getting done, just not as exotic as in previous seasons. Lots of marinated meats, fresh caught fish & garden vegetables are being grilled in the evenings. Ice cream by the buckets' full disappear without a trace. Enjoyable hours poolside reading and researching, occasionally just staring, reflecting or photographing surrounding bugs, flowers, tress and other self-amusing objects. All too brief visits with family & friends. Compiled a vocabulary list of over 100 words from a skillfully detailed, richly realistic novel - Love in the Time of Cholera - outside of my usual genre, but no regrets. Created an impossible mess in the upper foyer - in an attempt to organize & regroup 30 years of pictures and frames. Went from zero to 50 sit-ups this week and cannot remember why or when I gave them up, since they REALLY do make such a nice difference in the mirror - from my vantage point at least! Sleeping like a lamb, thanks to Mother Nature's good sense to turn down the heat and kick up the breeze after 10PM. Summer should just keep going & going...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Ride to Work Day
I was looking forward to participating, you know me, anything for the biker cause, but a couple of things prevented my intention.
First of all, I don't have a job to ride to! Well, not quite yet anyway. Secondly, I had an interview yesterday (second round!) for said job and due to it's professional nature, felt compelled not to show up with wind blown hair and my skirt over my eyes. My alternative plan was to attend the interview, rush home to put on more comfortable riding gear, like a swim suit (it was near 90 by noon), then hit the open road for the remainder of the day.
The interview went very well, the ride home in the four-wheeled vehicle was excruciating - I think the air conditioner is going, but the payoff was near if I could only locate the suit I wanted (it has a cute matching skirt).
Just when I was about to throw my perfectly coiffed hair into a ponytail, the phone rang - it was my baby daughter and I couldn't blow off that call. She was letting me know she was literally blocks away and coming to enjoy the often ignored pool and me, I think. Well, at least I was dressed properly for the occasion.
Throw together some homemade Hummus, baked tortillas, elk sausage, Wisconsin cheese, fresh black raspberries, flotation devices, underwater goggles, CDs and a couple of Bloody Mary's and you have the makings for a perfect poolside visit with your offspring and her girlfriend.
Situate the lounge chairs, towels, etc. But wait, "are those dark clouds moving this way?" No worries, you get just as tan when it's overcast and besides, it's freakin' hot without the sun shining so shiny. "Yeah, well we were going to go to the beach near our house (an hour north of said cloud system!) and this will really suck." No rain in the forecast, it's nothing at all, it will pass.
I don't recall who grabbed what, but let's just say it all worked out - we had fun without the sun, except for that deer-in-the-headlights pause we experienced when the town's alarm went off and we pondered carrying the Bloody Mary fixings to the basement!
I expect to be employed and a participant in the 18th annual Ride to Work Day, my kid can have the pool to herself!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Brownie points
Even though there is no such thing as too much riding in my book, I am grateful for the times when a threatening sky convinces me to first share some energy with an indoor or backyard project before hitting the road. Besides, the mosquitoes are usually less brutal earlier in the day.
While the berries and weeds get picked or a layout idea is designed, the productive side of my personality is satisfied - I have earned a check mark, and my "free bird" guilt is alleviated - I have accumulated some "brownie" points.
So yeah, it's true, during the few scattered days, during the limited few weeks per year, when our beloved Wisconsin weather is deemed "perfect", I am not. If it takes a rain cloud, and often several of his buddies, to keep me grounded to my commitments before I go and play, then let it rain - just not today, because I have highway to explore, brownie points to spend!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Independence Days

Feasted on deep-fried turkey and too many "fixings" with a couple of dozen friends; tagged along on a 3 bike, 4 person, lazy, 200-mile jaunt; visited the construction site of a 2,000-acre "mega farm"; cruised alongside a significant number of newly erected wind turbines; played in the garden & the pool, and for the first time in my life skipped fireworks - although caught sight of many during the two county ride home from the turkey/mosquito feast!
Hopefully everyone took some time to reflect on the FREEdoms we are so accustomed, the ones we take for granted, the ones for which the women & men before us sacrificed, the ones that are represented by the flag of our country, the ones I wish for every human being on the planet.
In the name of Independence, live free ~
Monday, June 30, 2008
904 miles is nothing for this face!

Some berries

I hope everyone is running low on jams & jellies, cuz it's that time of year again and the black raspberries aren't far behind!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Rain, rain, go AWAY

Now believe me when I say, I realize this is NOTHING in the scheme of things - a MINOR inconvenience, a blip, a little rain water where it doesn't belong. And trust me, I didn't freak out, or cuss, or jump on the bike and flee - I simply cranked the dehumidifier, grabbed a broom and did what I could.
We did anticipate this, with all the rain in the forecast and because it's happened before - back in April actually and even worse a couple of years ago - so most things are in plastic totes or up on shelves, (except for the one cardboard box almost full with Goodwill stuff that I smartly stowed on top of a tote along with a rug that should have been thrown away 50 times) and I finally convinced him to cut the rug he keeps in his reloading room around the 700 pound shelf, which I'm certain will reduce back injury and cussing to a bare minimum.
I wondered if we couldn't seal the old cracked floor with some type of miracle sealer. He says, no, but maybe different gutters will help when the roof is re-shingled later this year. We'll see.
Does anybody want to buy a house with a pool (not the pond) in a nice, quiet, safe, eco-friendly neighborhood??!